
Roughly 15 years ago my cousin Ann Hellen motivated me to research my family tree. During a trip through the United States she visited the town of TILLERY in North Carolina. She brought back the John Tillery family tree for me (approx. 1625 – originally from Aberdeen), in paper form at the time. My father had had additional documents which I found in the year 2003. I entered all the data gathered up to that point into a software program. I was encouraged in my efforts after a “cousin” from England had found me. Barbara Preston was able to help me with a problem that previously seemed insurmountable. Since that time we have been involved in a lively exchange of our respective findings.


Do date I have registered just over 3,700 persons. I have collected data on so many people because I am not only interested in the heads of the families but also the secondary family lines.  


I would like to share my findings with other people and relatives and hope to receive information I have not yet had access to. Therefore, I have decided to publish my findings to date in the form of a web site. At the time the website is launched approx. 650 persons are included, today more then 1,200 persons are on the website, and more will follow.


A brief history:

I have heard repeatedly from some Tillerys that the name TILLERY was French due to its Hugenot origins. I do not share the view that TILLERY is a French name as the French Hugenots did not leave France until 1685 (after the Edict of Fontainbleau). However, these did include the Hugenots who emigrated to Scotland. Moreover, reportedly the town of TILLERY (close to Aberdeen) had already existed for quite a long time. Furthermore, the Tillerys were first mentioned in official documents in the 14th century. 


Structure of the web page:

The respective link “Vater/Father” will always lead to the site of the father’s marriage. The link “Mutter/Mother” will always lead to the mother’s birth. The link of a child will always continue with the marriage of the respective child. The numbers listed behind the person are my identification numbers. If anyone would like to send me a message I kindly request that the number for the respective name is also provided.


If you find any errors in navigation or data or if you have new data, please let me know


Namensliste / Index:



Buchstabe B    Buchstabe G    Buchstabe K 

  Buchstabe M    Buchstabe R    Buchstabe S  

 Buchstabe W